One of the difficulties about being diagnosed with a mental illness and told that your behaviour needs managing and you are unwell is that you look around and you can’t see any difference between the way you behave and the people around you.
I think that is why I was in denial about my mental illness for a long time. Sure I had outbursts but everyone around me had outbursts. Apparently mine are different!
Whilst thinking about this I wrote ‘In Search of Peace’. Sometimes I long for peace, particularly when things are crazy in my own life. Then I reflect on my loud, boisterous, raucous family – we’re not a picture of calm! It raises questions and makes me conclude that we are all as crazy as each other! (Don’t be angry at me family, I love you dearly!)
Every moment someone speaks
Or laughs
Or argues
Or turns the music louder.
Someone accuses another of a misdemeanour
Of mistreating feelings
Of pushing buttons that produces outbursts
Someone defends themselves
Rarely we apologise.
Laughter erupts often
We bang the table
Our glasses tremble
We run out of things to say
We repeat stories.
Before a lull descends
Changing the mood
We turn the TV louder.
Some of us shut our eyes
Some put headphones on
Some play on our phones
Some voices rumble on.
I was told not to speak
To sit quietly
To do nothing
Why do I shout, jump, sing, dance, scream?
We all do, where I’m from.
We interrupt silence
Disturb the peace
Use our voices to indicate our presence.
If I’m mad – we’re all mad!