
I'm Outta Love - Set me Free

I’ve got so much to write about, but the first time in ages that I’ve sat with the intention to write – I write about Love.  Let’s be clear, a ‘Kat All That’ Love poem is usually a poem about love eluding me / being out of love and very much alone.  But hold the violins – this is not a sad / woeful poem.  Quite the contrary!

My views on love, relationships and romance are evolving.  I’m not sure if the traditional image of romance and relationships which I have craved for centuries (it certainly feels that long) is for me!  I don’t mean to man-bash – but it is dire out there! LOL!  My years of being alone has made me see that actually I feel joy, happiness and love outside of a committed relationship.  Mostly with my friends but often on my lonesome too.

Boys, don’t despair!  I’m not turning my back on you!  I’m still available for dates and good times.  Just thinking aloud and adapting to this ever-changing world!



Waiting to be chosen

By boys who wouldn’t be my first choice.

Waiting for someone to discover me

See I was here all along

They don’t recognise my value

My beauty goes unobserved

I could climb to the highest peaks

Scream into the wind

That I am here




For my chance of happiness

Only to descend alone.


Boys manoeuvre past me

Some look over their shoulder

Fleeting moments

Now it’s too late

Too late for enquiries

Too late for flirtation

Too late – my interest wanes.

For those who ask me why

Why I’ve never been spotted, selected, secured?

I don’t know

Maybe it’s my good fortune

Maybe it’s them that’s not good enough for me

Maybe I’ve blown it somewhere

Maybe I’ve sat the wrong test

Like a docile amateur excited to show my worth

Only to realise that the system doesn’t favour me.


There have been boys

That have stayed for a time

But never stayed

Who waltz in and out of my life again

Some I have on rotation and send messages to

When I’m incredibly lonely

Convincing myself that they really do like me

Citing wrong timing, work commitments, distance

Or anything else that brings comfort

It doesn’t explain why

I’d be waiting to understand fully.


And now – I’m no longer waiting

For the man of my dreams

The man of my life

The man of the moment.

Some young bucks tell me to keep

Hope alive

Before disappearing

I will not.

Clichés are jammed down my throat

“You never know”

“It could still happen”

“Don’t give up”

I have given up!


Don’t weep for me

I will always love boys

Love their smiles, their bodies, their charm, their chat, their embrace

But I will not wait

To be pronounced special

To be paraded on an arm

To be promised the earth and more.


I am going to cavort with the men with

No or bad intentions

If I have never sunk so low before, I will now

And I’m going to enjoy it.

2 thoughts on “Waiting

  1. “Why I’ve never been spotted, selected, secured?” This. No matter how much weight I know self worth holds, systematic conditioning and programming always brings me back to this.

    I so enjoyed this piece Kat! I knew I would! Thanks for sharing. Our vulnerability is our strength. ❤️

    Steph (SFP)

    1. Awww thanks Steph. I love your comment ‘Our vulnerability is our strength’. That may have to be a future poetry prompt. xxx

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