Take it from me - your motivational poet
If you need a little motivation, step this way!! 🙂 I will do my best to lift your spirits.
This week I left a voice note for someone and his response was “Whoa, what a motivational coach you are! Thank you!!” This put a smile on my face.
I was a member of Toastmasters (Public Speaking Group) for 4 years and had the pleasure of listening to aspirational motivational speakers. My speeches were not motivational – I wasn’t there for that. I was there to make people laugh!
This month I’ve joined a group of wonderful female friends and committed to writing and listening to our own affirmations twice a day for 21 days. Some of us found our statements hard to believe. I guess self-doubt can be difficult to overcome.
We can all use a little motivation sometimes. I feel I’ve found a gap in the market which is calling my name. And that is Motivational Poetry! I’m sure people are doing this already – well, here’s my offering!! Believe in yourselves my little chicks!! You are amazing!!
Love, Katty xxxx
When you feel stuck, unable to move
You’ve run out of all options, fallen out of your groove
You’ve wasted so much time, you ain’t going nowhere
Opportunities don’t strike and you say you don’t care
You feel so lost, doors remain closed
This is not the way it’s meant to be or how you supposed
When you think it’s impossible and you’re standing in one spot.
It’s not.
When your self-belief is low, you’re lacking confidence
Nothing is in your control, you have zero dominance
You’re convinced you are unlucky, the stars have lost their shine
Life isn’t going the way you want, not following your grand design
You feel your skills are outdated, you’re feeling inadequate
You used to be so positive, happy and passionate
When you feel things can’t get better, although you can’t understand.
It can.
When goal-setting is a stretch and you struggle to look forward
When you feel your dreams evade you, you feel bereft and tortured
Your thinking has sunk and your mind is filled with pessimissim
You wish there could be a brand-new you, another flash edition
When your future looks bleak and your best days are behind
You’ve lost all hope, no matter how hard you work and grind
When you think good things will never happen, you’ll never feel a sense of thrill.
You will.