If I Were a rich man / woman
I wouldn’t say that I’m motivated by money an by no means am I in dire straits financially. I’m comfortable. I live within my means. However, ever since I was a young girl, my dad would repeat that out of all his children, I would be rich! Stinking Rich! I’ve never been more upset about disappointing my dad!! Lol! This hasn’t come true but it’s nice to think that my dad felt I could make some money moves from a young age.
My pockets may not be filled with riches but there’s more to life, isn’t there?
My daddy said I would be
I’ve been waiting all my years
For that prophecy to come true
For my cash flow to stay on course
Inching ahead
Whilst I’m not paying attention
And all of a sudden, I’m flushed with cash
My daddy said I would be
He didn’t say when
I have been patient
I’m not opposed to riches
I won’t turn wealth away at the door
Unlike most, she could cross the threshold
And before long, we’ll be best chums popping champagne
My daddy said I would be
At some point I realised he was wrong
All children confront their parents’ failures
My daddy was a big talker
I almost believed him
He sure could paint a stunning picture
And in a blink of an eye he would whisk me away
My daddy said I would be
But he didn’t say in which currency
If he meant rich in love – I have love in abundance
If he meant rich in peace – my peace of mind is profound
If he meant rich in experiences – no doors are closed to me
If he meant rich in pursuing passions – I’ve been given the lucky straw
And I believe I have enough to give out loans
My daddy said I would be
And so it is
Extravagantly, flamboyantly, outrageously, fabulously
Love this poem, who knows one day your poems could make you rich x
Awwww that’s the dream. Thanks Becky. And you’ll be a world renowned, successful author!! LOL!!!
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Thank you and welcome!!