For He's a Jolly, Funny Fellow
I was reading some emails from my dad and how they made me chuckle! I really had a good laugh before the tears erupted! He was a very funny man and I would do his memory a disservice if I don’t recall how amusing he was.
This led me to think about my interactions with dad in regards to my dating life. I think he found the chronicles of my dating life and dare I say, mishaps, hilarious. I lived with my parents for a long time, I was slow to fly the nest. When I went out on dates, dad would often pick me up from the station on my way home. We would then have a debrief of the boy and from my short description, dad would come up with a funny nickname for them. It was a funny game, dad, mum and I played. Dad was always responsible for issuing names. Mum tried sometimes but we had to tell her it was dad’s job to select the names!
One evening, I was out with my gorgeous friend, Lucy and this guy came over to me, 100% infatuated by me!! 100%!! We chatted for a while but I wasn’t sure about him. He asked to swap numbers so many times, but I was hesitant. Eventually I agreed. By the time I got home, dad wasn’t there so I filled mum in on the night and the guy. I told her I didn’t like him. Naturally she wanted to know why. I said I didn’t know. But she pressed me, “Why, Why, Why??” Finally I said something along the lines of his scruffy appearance putting me off. Mum piped back that he could have been rich. Lots of rich people are scruffy according to her and I should give him a chance!
The following day, mum told dad about my encounter. Dad pulled me aside privately to tell me that he had heard about my evening and how I wouldn’t give someone a chance because of the way he was dressed. He said that when he was young, he went out with a lady who rejected him because of his WHITE TROUSERS!!!! It was the 70’s!!! LOL!! And most certainly her loss!! Dad concluded that I mustn’t judge someone for the clothes they wear. Ladies, would you agree?
We laughed frequently about my dad being rejected in his white trousers and that thought came to mind this week. So I wrote something silly, something I think would have made my dad smile. I doubt this is how the story went down but there you go.
I hope you enjoy it too!!!
White Trousers
Dressed up to delight
The beautiful lady
The one I saw at first sight
It sent me totally hazy
I’m feeling alright
In my tight, white trousers
I’ve been up since daylight
It’s incredibly crazy
I’m flying high as a kite
Run through a field of daisies
I hope I get the green light
In my tight, white trousers
I’m looking forward to tonight
I mean she didn’t say maybe
I’ll remember to share the limelight
I’ll impress her insanely
Perchance a kiss in the moonlight
In my tight, white trousers
I feel like I’ve fallen from a great height
All could see so plainly
She was extremely forthright
She could have put it humanely
She said she had a huge fright
Of my tight, white trousers
Years later, my daughter’s being impolite
Turning away suitors so vaguely
I’ll give her some of my insight
He may not be so shady
A man whose destiny is bright
Wearing tight, white trousers.
Give the tight, white trouser boys a chance baby doll!
Lol not tight white trousers lord! No lol. Thank you for sharing this memory. I remember the few times I got to chill with you guys, such a blessing.
Awww bless you honey pie!!!! It was a blessing for us too!! Thanks for listening. xxx
So like your dad . Smile . Gonna look out for those boys in tight white trousers for you sis
Look out for them everywhere you go sis. A sister needs some help over here! lol!!! xxx
This is a new favourite of mine!
Thanks babes xxxx
i love it kitty, you’re brilliant.
hello there, your post is perfect.Following your articles.
Thanks Hasna for checking me out, commenting and enjoying the poetry!!! xxxxx