Talk is Cheap!
Don’t get me wrong, I love words. In conversation, I hang on to every word and believe what is being said to me with my whole heart. My top Love Language is “Words of Affirmation”. Simply talk to me and drop in a dose of praise and admiration and I would love you eternally!
In the last few weeks, I’ve realised that being so trustful of someone’s words above everything else is misleading. I’m thinking now about my interactions with men. From my experience, the guys I like would say one thing that really makes me smile and happy but their behaviour, actions and in my case, distance and separation tells a different story. They like me so much, they say, but I never see them. Yet I cling on to the fact that they said they liked me and if they could see me they would. None of them serve in the Armed Forces. They have no obstructions from arranging time to see me. I’m waking up to the fact that they could see me if they wanted to, but are choosing not to. Despite all the lovely things they say.
My mum told me that I need to learn and practice discernment. Furthermore, when I’ve looked into the ways we communicate; body language plays a more important role to how messages are conveyed than the words we use. We’ve all heard the adage “Actions speak louder than words”. There’s a wealth of truth in that statement. It’s time that I act accordingly.
To the men in my future, I’m not going to cling on to your every word, ignoring all other signals. There’s a new Katty in town and this girl expects your words to be backed up by action. Don’t say what you could or would do. Just do what you’re doing and I will be the judge.
Words Lie
Tell me what I want to hear
With your body
Steady gaze
Smooth features
Soft gestures
Let your actions match your words
All parts of you agreeing with your message
In an unanimous vote
Let truth drip from you and sweeten the space around you
If I can’t see discord
Let me smell it
Let your scent attack my nostrils
Stick in my throat
Let me sense that something is wrong
That I’m being rejected
Just be honest.
Tell me what I want to hear
That what I heard was accurate
Steadfast words
Sincere sentiments
Suppress my doubts
Let your words dispel your behaviour
You say the right things
Yet I’m dumbfounded as nothing changes
Things between us worsens
You say what you mean by the things you do
Your words are a decoy
Leading me along a path away from the happy ending
How treacherous of you
You look at me innocently
You never made promises
Speaking ambiguously, saying just enough to suit you
I was blindsided
Your words are gabbled
A cacophony of senseless babble
Let’s be clear.
I look to you words
To understand you
Signify meaning
Spell out facts
Substantiate our reality
Words are misleading
Particularly how you use them
I don’t believe what you say
When your actions do not deceive you
If you regarded me as you say you did
I’d be telling a different story
Your words may lie or discolour the truth
But if I look at what’s before my eyes
I will decode and interpret you succintly
Your actions don’t lie
I’m not mistaken.
Live this Kat. Something I need to learn myself! Xx
We’ll get there Laura. Step by step. Don’t be too hard on yourself! You’re a really lovely person and some people take advantage of your kindness / goodness!!
Lots of love xxx