My Father, My Hero
My darling, funny, cheeky chappy daddy, John, passed away in April 2020. Sadly, he was a victim to Covid-19. Whilst I hear stories of some patients dying alone on their hospital beds, luckily our family had the chance to visit dad in intensive care. My brother was with dad when he passed.
I’ve been thinking about my hospital visit to see my dad, which has prompted this poem “Chorus for Daddy”
My father was a great and inspirational daddy. May he rest in everlasting peace.
Chorus for Daddy
Everyone who speaks to you wears a mask
Voices muffled and half their faces hidden
You used to like to see people smile and make them laugh
Can you see their eyes smiling and sense kindness from the care they’re giving?
I turn up in 2 pairs of gloves, gown, mask and face shield
I’m guided to your bed and I can’t tell it’s you
It’s a version of you that’s never before been revealed
Gaunt and frail, lacking your spirit and essence, not an image I’m used to
You are as thin as a young buck in his prime
Gone is the inflated belly your previously struggled to shift
The cancer that bloated your stomach, giving you a hard time
The illness achieving your desired shape in a manner so swift
The illness stole your excess weight and makes your breathing arduous
The effort to stay alive takes its toll
Your life is supported by machines and oxygen masks as living is tortuous
And here I come to bring comfort to your soul
It’s not a simple undertaking to address the critically ailing
My brother and mother who visited before said words are hard to find
Without words, our presence cries out, an expression of bewailing
Of love and memories of lives entwined
I stroke your head, hold your hand and call my sister on video call
I read messages from your loved ones from your phone
My sister and I tell you how much we love you with anecdotes big and small
You came into this world by yourself, but right now, you are not alone
We pray for you and sing our favourite choruses
Familiar tunes that will accompany you on your way to glory
If you leave us, we make a thousand promises
We will always say your name, live as best we can and tell your story
As I leave you, I draw near as I have something to disclose
“I don’t want you to worry about me if you have to go
Don’t worry about who will love me or look after me” as heaven knows
My life is filled with love and I’ll play it out joyfully like an allegro
I sensed my dad relax as a glimmer of peace descended
He’s always looked after me from the start
The following evening, my dad’s life ended
I didn’t know that was the last time I would see him, the last time I would touch him, the last time he would hear me say “thank you” and “I love you”, the very last time
I will sing choruses, for daddy loved music
I will sing, for daddy, for he is in my heart.
Oh Kat kat that was so beautiful and moving. Lots and lots of love to you all.
Love Debbie xx
Thank you darling. I’ve been thinking about you loads this week. I’ll give you a call xxxxx
Dearest Kat
This is so moving and beautiful. I am so sorry for your family’s loss and hope you can all find peace from the wonderful memories you have together.
Much love as always my friend
Helen xx
Thank you my darling, friend. I appreciate your kind words. xxx
😢😢 Words spoken from deep inside your soul. So poignant and heartbreaking. Your poem is touching , inspiring and filled with warmth and love .
Thank you for sharing sis. I love you. You dad left a legacy in you . We will help you remember and celebrate your dad always . ❤
Thank you darling. Thank you for remembering and honouring my dad. I love you xxxx
This is simply beautiful, Thank you for sharing. Such a beautiful way to honour and remember your father.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending lots of love to you and your family.
Thank you so much xxx
Such a beautiful poem my darling Kat. Words can be so difficult to find during a time of loss, but you let your heart speak and it did your dad proud. Love you xx
Thank you darling for your kind words. Love you xxx