Do you remember nights out?
Oh how the world has changed! I have had a few conversations this week, reminiscing on nights out, drinking, dancing and having tons of fun. When was the last time that happened? I have spent more hours at home during this covid pandemic than ever before.
In addition to nights out – I’m also missing dating. I confess, I’ve not had many relationships but I have had my fair share of dinner dates. I think you can call me an expert in first dates. Let’s not look at my conversion rate of dates to relationships! Something’s not adding up! Nevertheless, I’m beginning to crave a good date night right about now!
This doesn’t happen very often but sometimes I think there must be a problem with me. How else can you explain that out of my many, many dates, less than 2% turns into something short-lived? Never a fulfilling, long-term relationship. What is going wrong? Could it be that I’m too loud? I make too many jokes? Maybe I’m more of a friend than a femme fatale? Or maybe I have to be somewhere more in the middle. A woman that keeps men coming back for more! Must I be more demure? I have seriously considered all these questions as I sat down to write “Dinner Date”. But you know what? I am who I am? Maybe I need a few more dinner dates to work out the best approach. That’s right – I need a few more Dinner Dates. What do I want??? A dinner date!!! When do I want it??? NOOOOWWWW!!! I hope I can communicate that message clearly with my poem.
Enjoy xxx
Dinner Date
Don’t dilly dally
You better make haste
Ask me out on a dinner date
No wishy washy
How long must I wait?
Ask me out on a dinner date
No namby pamby
I tell you it’s fate
Ask me out on a dinner date
No wheeler dealers
That’s not up for debate
Ask me out on a dinner date
I’m incredibly funny
I won’t turn up late
Ask me out on a dinner date
I’ll sing and dance at the table
Join in, it’ll be great
Ask me out on a dinner date
I’ll laugh as loud as thunder
Of course it won’t irritate
Ask me out on a dinner date
I may spill food down my dress
I may be in a state
Ask me out on a dinner date
There may be hanky panky
Who knows what awaits?
Ask me out on a dinner date
I said ask me out on a dinner date
I said ask me out on a dinner date
I said ask me out on a dinner date
I said ask me out on a dinner date
Do you get what I’m saying?