I am a Huge fan of the singer, songwriter, Tracy Chapman.
Her songs are so beautiful and honest. She is truly gifted.
I was on a train journey recently and began to sing one of Tracy’s songs to myself “For My Lover.” I then thought “For My Lover” would make a great title for a poem. Using this as a stimulus, I wrote a poem which possibly explains why my relationships end!! Not really!!! I wrote this in jest and I hope you will see the funny side to it.
For My Lover
I want to clasp my lover’s head in my hands
He listens best this way
With my face close to his
I want to urge him to follow my lead
I’ve put a lot of thought into our next steps
This is not the time for independent thinking.
I want to rest my head on my lover’s chest
He won’t be able to free himself so easily this way
With my head pinning him down
I want to softly tell him what I need
How we can use our resources to make me happy
This is not the time for individual pursuits.
I want to gently rub my lover’s back
He relaxes best this way
With my fists pressing upon him
I want to soothingly get him to do what I want
Change into the person I want him to be
This is not the time for self-unawareness.
For my lover
Do as I say
And no-one gets hurt.
😳😳😳no words 👀
Hahah Vinette, you’re a world renowned speaker – you must find some words!!!! lol!!!!