Everything is going to be alright
I was feeling quite sad at the start of the week. Not devastatingly sad but it led me to think about the days, months and years that I spent in a deep depression. At the time, I thought I’ never get out of that funk. Whereas now, that period is almost a fleeting memory. I used to be constantly and consistently sad, now I’m mostly happy. As this week progressed, sadness shifted to laughter and happiness. How did I get from there (unhappy) to here (joyful)? I need to think and analyse this a little more deeply but it’s true what they say “This too shall pass”. I don’t know the formula, I don’t know the magic spell besides hanging on and letting each new day heal you. That and being surrounded by amazing friends.
I was hesitant to post this poem because I wondered if it was a little depressing and gloomy. However, there is a transition to hope. I guess this has been the tapestry of my life; some sad notes but overall joy. I’m not one to tell anyone else how to live but I have a message today, which is to “Hold On”. It’s a funny old world, one minute you’re at the bottom but it doesn’t last. Things will get better.
Gloom to Glow
Downcast eyes reflect a
Downtrodden spirit
Dejected and alone
Retreat into a ditch
Lay flat
As day turns into night
You have no control or power
To will things otherwise
Withdraw participation in all activities
There is no point.
Smiles wane
Replaced by a grimmace
It’s more accurate than people know
Why conceal pain?
The exterior; a replica of what is below the surface
You are one layer of sorrow
There’s nothing more to you
That’s your belief.
Things change
Ever so slowly
Buried beneath the harshness of life
You are not dead.
Look who tends to you
Who is always there?
Brushing away dirt, taking your hand, helping you up
The sun rises, flowers bloom
Everything has it’s season
There’s a brighter day tomorrow
Be sure to make it there.
Inspiring. It’s like you were right beside me with your rendition. Xx
Oh Catherine, how are you, my lovely? Thank you for checking me out! Yes, the poetry keeps us close together – like the good old days!!! hahahahahah. I hope you’re well. xxxXXXxxx
Ahhh Kat. This is beautiful poetry. I love how you write so honestly about your own experience of depression but leave us on a hopeful note about a brighter day tomorrow. Painfully honest & beautiful.
Thanx for sharing xx
Oh thank you, my lovely! xXx
I think this poem is really important in 2020, we need to know that nothing lasts forever and the good times will be with us soon again x
Thank you, Becky. Roll on the good times!! xXx