Good Day

It's a Good Day to have a Good Day!

Morning has broken and for that I am thankful.  At times, I have been guilty of grumbling about the morning.  Particularly when I have to get up and out, when I’d rather stay wrapped up under my duvet all day!!

On reflection, what a blessing the new day presents.  We get the chance to do whatever we wish, keep working on our dreams, move forward, have experiences.  Even if you haven’t been having the best time lately, the new day is a chance for things to get better!

I’ve been implementing a new morning routine, where I wake up with a spring in my step, full of purpose for the day ahead.  It’s only been a short while, but I’m confident that it is making a difference to how I think about my day and set out to make it a good one.

Recognise that today is a good day.  Make a plan to enjoy it!

Good Day


She rises each day, without fail

Bringing light

Illuminating the world

She is constant, true and bright.


Full of life, she runs her course

Heralding a new day

Do with it as you will

Make the most of it, I say.


Some days are not easy

Some days the road is rough

Some days we feel pain

Some days we’ve just had enough.


Although not easy, things become lighter

The rough days will smooth out

The pain will lead to joy

You’ve had enough


You’re not knocked out.


The day breaks and it is ours

To enjoy and paint in colours

Liven up, make your move

Create a life of splendours.


The new day is a gift

Presented to you for free

Unwrap it and use it well

It’s your blessing and it fits you to a T.