Slay those doubt dragons
I had a little bit of a wobble with my confidence this week – we’ve all been there! I’ve been pushing myself in new ways – trying to evolve and better myself when those dreaded doubts crept in and gave me a little bashing. I spoke to my sister, Natalia, and she exterminated those doubts by boosting praising, and bigging me up! What a doll!!! Now I feel UNSTOPPABLE!! LOL!!!
I have self-doubt fatigue. Why should I let my mind, thoughts and feelings run me down? I’m sick of that pattern. Time to change the stinking thinking, I say. And replace self-doubt with self-belief. My poem ‘Chest’ may be a good start to banishing negative thinking as we blossom into a new, confident version of ourselves. You know we’ve got it going on – So Big Up Your Chest!!!
No more feeling inferior
Like you don’t deserve to take up space
No more being too timid
To walk into a new place
No more thinking you don’t cut it
Tie up your shoes and run this race
Puff, Puff, Puff – Do your best
Puff til you’re standing and
Big up your chest.
Trust you already know the answers
Don’t go rummaging through other people’s minds
Trust in your instincts
The intelligence system – the one the Creator designed
Trust you will find a way
You will make it and won’t be left behind
Push, Push, Push through each test
Push til you’re striding and
Big up your chest.
Believe you have the qualities
Step out from the shadows – it’s your time to shine
Believe you have the skill set
Stop waiting for permission and step out of line
Believe that you are ready
Everybody knows it – heard it on the grapevine
Press, Press, Press and progress
Press on and do a shimmy and
Big Up Your CHEST!
I think we all need a cheerleader in our lives, sorry you had a wobble but if you didn’t have a wobble you wouldn’t have created this poem
Thank you, Becky! You are absolutely right! xxx