What if….?

There was a time I felt paralysed by fear

In my late 20’s I had a mental health breakdown which knocked the wind out of my sails.  Recovering and understanding what happened to me took time but once I was well, fear lingered.  Would I fall ill again or did I have to be careful and stick to familiar pastures?  Could I venture out and conquer the world like I had hoped to do in my younger years.

I wrote ‘What if…?’ to encourage me to ‘Go for it!!’

What if….?


What if I fall ill again?

What if I go crazy?

What if I do something I shouldn’t?

What if I die?


What if I’m paralysed by fear?

What if I behave as a victim?

What if I miss opportunities?

What if I don’t even try?

2 thoughts on “What if….?

  1. This is a beautiful poem Kat. It’s full of natural self-doubt & worrybecause of your experience. But …. despite the what ifs you’re daring to try. I love it & thanks for sharing this part of your story. You’ve reminded me that when we get stuck in ‘what ifs’ we block our path to discovering ‘what is’.

    1. Yes, ‘What is’ is a very exciting prospect. Thank you for your comment, Haneefah xxx

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